Saturday 15 December 2012

Final Media Product

 The images below are the final product that I have created. In order from top to bottom they are my magazine front cover, the contents page and finally the double page spread. I created all of these using images that I personally took in a photo shoot. And edited everything else in Adobe Photoshop. The layout is something that I have gotten from looking at several different magazines from this genre, which would be the rock/metal genre.
On the left here is the music magazine front cover. This has the connotations of a real music magazine. The ways in which it does this are that the masthead is the most 'stand out' feature on the whole magazine. This attracts the audience, and previous buyers of the magazine will recognise the font and style because this would re-appear in other issues. Another feature would be the "Free Posters" part. This is a very common feature in all music magazines so this is why I have used it in mine. Another few small features that make this appear more authentic would be the issue number, magazine website, price of magazine and also the bar code. This is apparent in every music magazine, or magazine in general for that fact. This is because this is all necessary information about the magazine to make sure the customer knows how much they are paying, if they are up to date and where to find out more. Not to mention the bar code to purchase the item!

 The contents page that I have created on the left here is keeping with the main font which I used for the masthead on the front cover. I felt that even though this is now inside the magazine it still needed to keep with the house style of the magazine. The most important features about this part of the magazine is that it tells you what is where in the magazine. This is the case for all magazine, musical or non-musical. Another feature which I have found in this is that the contents page lets the audience know of other little interesting parts of the magazine which do not necessarily need a page number. This is shown at the bottom of the page. The contents page in this case does not show everything that is inside the magazine, instead it only shows the main articles, and also some smaller ones which may be of interest.

On the left here is the double page spread that I have created. The photo that I have chosen was also one that I took myself like the photo used for the front cover. The effect that I have used on the image side of the page is meant to resemble a burning look. This style is often associated with this genre, and fits nicely with the connotations of metal music. Another way in which it fits with the connotations would be the 'bio hazard' symbol in the top right corner. In this case it would be the logo for the band in which I am interviewing, but this sign is known for a danger feeling therefore choosing this for a band logo would be conforming to the stereotypes of this genre. Features which I have included which are often found in most other music magazines would be the quotation boxes in which I have entered a related quote, referring to the questions. This is designed so that they read these first and then get interested in what had been asked to provoke such a response. These quotes can often be misinterpreted as to the actual meaning because of context, but this is the reason why the reader wants to read more. The layout that I have used for this is a question and answer style. This is because it is an interview section so therefore this fits what the text is about by being properly structured.

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