Friday 24 February 2012


For my real magazine, I have decided to do my magazine on heavy metal and rock music. I have chosen this because I have a interest in this style of music.
The genre of heavy metal and rock music is produced by bands with the traditional band setup. Heavy metal often is associated with thick deep sounds made with distorted guitars. This is generally what heavy metal music is most renowned for. The fact that this type of music is seen as dark, thick and heavy it means that I can incorporate it into my magazine. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Related Magazine Analysis

In this magazine, they use a very in your face technique to draw in the audiences attention and get them to start reading their magazine. The things that are put in this to achieve their goals are the large titles and also the colours that are used.
Firstly, the titles they use are in a bold font to stand out from the rest of the magazine to show off staright away what the magazine will be featuring. This means that where it says 'Beats' and 'Bass' you would asume that the conitations of this would be that of a electronic music magazine, because these are words that are associated with that genre. Another thing about the titles is that they are of a completely different colour to the background and there is no similarity between them. This makes it alot easier to read from a distance which means they have a better chance of attracting an audience.
Secondly in this front cover, i would like to point out the simplicity of this cover. Usually there seems to be a lot going on, on front covers because they are trying as many ways as they can to get your attention. But sometimes in this case simplicity can be the main aspect of a front over and can work even better. This is because if there is too many things going on, it can draw the readers attention away from certain parts of the front cover, parts that you may want them to see. Therefore staying simple can be a postive thing.
Here on the left is another example of a magazine similar to the type i am creating. Aswell as it being a music magazine, it also has a similar style of music to the 'rock' genre. The first technique that I would like to point out would be the fact that the main image of the featured band 'Avenged Sevenfold' has been placed over the main title 'Kerrang'.
Some other features about the front cover of this magazine would be the fact that although the main focus is on the featured band, there is still alternate information about what is expected to be found inside the magazine. This information would be shown in the pugs and puffs, and also in taglines which can be found at the top and bottom of the front cover.
This magazine which also has a simliar genre to the previous one, shares some of its features which make the magazine work well in this genre. For example again they use the overlapping image and also the extra information about what will be seen inside the magainze. 


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Preliminary Task

This is the point that i am up to in my preliminary task on the 10/2/2012. Saying this, the one on the left is the layout i feel most happy with in terms the final outcome. The picture on the right is the flat plan of my front page. This is simply what the rough layout of the front cover would be for a school front cover.

Friday 3 February 2012

Newspaper Analysis

Uses colours corresponding to the logo of the school. This makes for a suitable house style for the newsletter.
They also include pictures to do with the school. This will more than likely aim to show the school in a positive light for people who don’t get to see what its like. Although in this picture they are not showing an activity happening within the school, they are showing some sort of achievment made by the school which they would like people outside of the school to know about.
The language used in this is a very formal register because of the audience it is aimed at. They use a formal language style because they do not know the audience personally, and also it is a school so seeming intelligent and knowledgable on the subjects they are talking about.
 The layout of this is mainly text because it is aimed to inform the reader. But as the text is reffering to a picture so the use of graphology is important in this piece of text. 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Moral Panic

'Moral Panic' is when the media will display something controversial in order to change rules or to just outline problems with the world. It is acknowledged that adults will see the side of it where they would want the rules to be changed so that it wouldn't happen again. Whereas teenagers would see a controversial storyline as a interesting article.

These are examples of a moral panic because they were both shown  in the media as disturbing games that would corrupt their audience. Both Manhunt and GTA have been made out to be a negative influence on the younger people of today and gets blamed for crimes within the game happening in real life. They would blame these real crimes on the game because it is seen as a bad influence.

both 'Manhunt' and 'Grand Theft Auto' have been in the media, being displayed as things that should not be in our society. By putting these in the media and making them seem as bad they can, they are able to either make the companies change the games content or completely ban the game.

In a magazine aimed at teenagers, articles using a Moral Panic would attract the younger audience. I say this because teenagers are generally stereotyped as people who 'like what they shouldn't' so putting stories or articles about things the society frowns upon will most likely interest the teenage reader.