Friday 3 February 2012

Newspaper Analysis

Uses colours corresponding to the logo of the school. This makes for a suitable house style for the newsletter.
They also include pictures to do with the school. This will more than likely aim to show the school in a positive light for people who don’t get to see what its like. Although in this picture they are not showing an activity happening within the school, they are showing some sort of achievment made by the school which they would like people outside of the school to know about.
The language used in this is a very formal register because of the audience it is aimed at. They use a formal language style because they do not know the audience personally, and also it is a school so seeming intelligent and knowledgable on the subjects they are talking about.
 The layout of this is mainly text because it is aimed to inform the reader. But as the text is reffering to a picture so the use of graphology is important in this piece of text. 

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