Wednesday 1 February 2012

Moral Panic

'Moral Panic' is when the media will display something controversial in order to change rules or to just outline problems with the world. It is acknowledged that adults will see the side of it where they would want the rules to be changed so that it wouldn't happen again. Whereas teenagers would see a controversial storyline as a interesting article.

These are examples of a moral panic because they were both shown  in the media as disturbing games that would corrupt their audience. Both Manhunt and GTA have been made out to be a negative influence on the younger people of today and gets blamed for crimes within the game happening in real life. They would blame these real crimes on the game because it is seen as a bad influence.

both 'Manhunt' and 'Grand Theft Auto' have been in the media, being displayed as things that should not be in our society. By putting these in the media and making them seem as bad they can, they are able to either make the companies change the games content or completely ban the game.

In a magazine aimed at teenagers, articles using a Moral Panic would attract the younger audience. I say this because teenagers are generally stereotyped as people who 'like what they shouldn't' so putting stories or articles about things the society frowns upon will most likely interest the teenage reader.

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